AVALANCHE è un evento organizzato da “Pepperoni_solutions” che si terrà il 24 Agosto ad Eboli (SA) presso il MOA – Museum of Operation Avalanche, incentrato sulla musica elettronica sperimentale ed il rapporto che intercorre tra quest’ultima e le arti visive, dai visual alle arti grafiche. La line up comprende artisti della scena elettronica underground italiana ed internazionale affiancati da una vera e propria line up parallela composta di visual artist e designer, i quali si esibiranno in contemporanea ai musicisti, lasciandosi influenzare ognuno dalla visione artistica dell’altro. Va sottolineata la scelta della location che, in quanto Museo storico, ha reso possibile un interessantissimo esperimento musicale/visivo. Infatti, al team di visual artist è stato affidato il compito di rielaborare filmati storici dell’Operazione Avalanche, lo sbarco alleato a Salerno, dando vita a visualset personalizzati per ogni musicista, facendo sì che il risultato finale sia una colonna sonora live di una parte importante della nostra storia, e rendendo così possibile un vero e proprio crossover tra nuove tecnologie, nuove tendenze e storia. La realizzazione tecnica e gli allestimenti degli stage è realizzata in collaborazione con l’HackLab di Terni, importante realtà nazionale in ambito di ricerca, sviluppo ed educazione in campo tecnologico.
I ragazzi dell’HackLab per di più saranno presenti con vari stand ed esporranno alcuni tra i numerosi progetti realizzati da loro nel corso degli anni, sarà quindi possibile per il pubblico provare ed interagire con numerose installazioni, prototipi, progetti, etc.
isoneph (salerno – ita) live electronics/impro/downtempo
ariemar (pesaro – ita) voice + live electronics/circuit bending
andrea bruera (torino/barcellona – ita/spa)
Andrea Bruera is a musician from the Italian Alps, near the French border. After playing in various post-rock, metal and experimental bands, he started his own solo project, nepantla, with just a laptop and a rusty electric bass in 2012. He put out a self released EP on OD the next year and started playing live across Italy. Three years later, in 2015, he drops the mask. He decides to start using his own name, to expand his sound palette by adding a mandolin, some synths, manipulated percussions and field recordings, equally inspired by Tim Hecker, Neurosis, Lawrence English. Along these lines he crafts some new music, which will eventually come out in april 2015 in an EP called ‘Lost, Found’. His home, now, is a newborn label/collective named SØVN, which Andrea created together with Guybrush and Stefano Venegoni, also member of Dropp and visual artist.
yokokono (milano – ita)
yokokono is part of a wider creative process of Cristiana Palandri, artist that creates a double identity from visual arts and music bonding together. Her music influences are coming from psych Acid Mothers Temple, from Steve Reich’s minimalism and Cluster: YokoKono stands for a polyhedral and multi-shaped electronica, that spaces in between Acid sounds to drone reaching IDM. https://soundcloud.com/yokokono https://www.facebook.com/YokoKonoc/videos   
canopy hoc (tokyo – jap)
canopy hoc is a solo project by So Oishi, an electronic music producer and DJ from Tokyo, Japan. He started playing DJ about 10 years ago when he lived in New York City inspired by the local underground music scenes. At first, he mainly played progressive house, progressive trance, and psychedelic trance. In 2007 – 2012, he was back to Japan. He played gigs at clubs in Tokyo, and organized indoor and outdoor parties. In those days, he started to mix wider musical genres in his DJ set: techno, house, drum ’n’ bass, electronica, rock, jazz, and even classical music. Meanwhile, he started producing his own music and offered tracks for Japanese independent film. He moved to the Netherlands in 2012 and studied electronic music at the Institute of Sonology, where he met Guybrush, a founding member of SØVN. In the institute, he has mainly focused on algorithmic composition and the development of his own synthesis program. Playground EP is the debut EP of canopy hoc. In this EP, he tried to integrate the compositional and synthesis techniques, which he developed after he came to the Netherlands, into his background: dance music.
bibi the dreamer (eboli – ita) visual+mapping https://www.youtube.com/user/bibisat/videos
Info e contatti: pepperoni.mail@zoho.com